The tours have not yet been finalized.

Tour 1
Nuclear fusion and fission
Max-Planck-Insitute for Plasma Physics and Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source
Nuclear fusion: The tour starts with an introduction to the principles of fusion research. Then the ASDEX Upgrade fusion device, the pulse generators for powering the device as well as an exhibition on fusion research in the visitor centre can be visited.
Nuclear fission: Take a look inside the reactor pool of the Research Neutron Source and learn more about the non-destructive examination of matter with neutrons.
Nuclear fusion:
The aim of ASDEX Upgrade, the “Axially Symmetric Divertor Experiment”, is to prepare the physics base for ITER and DEMO. For this purpose essential plasma properties, primarily plasma density, plasma pressure and the wall load, are matched to the conditions in a future fusion power plant.
Nuclear fission:
Here, neutrons and positrons enable a wide range of applications in research, industry and medicine: from developing new technologies, such as batteries for electric cars, to precise anti-cancer drugs.
Conditions for access to the controlled areas of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source (FRM II):
- A good physical condition is necessary because stairs have to be climbed. We also point out to carriers of cardiac pacemakers that strong magnetic fields can be present in the experimental areas.
- valid identity card or passport, non-EU citizens require a valid passport (residence permits or driving licenses are not accepted)
This tour includes further visits to various research facilities on the campus.

Tour 2
Otto Bihler
Stamping Technology
A world’s leading system supplier in the areas of stamping, forming, welding and assembly technology. Visit this high-tech company within sight of Neuschwanstein Castle.
The family-owned company with more than 1,100 employees offers manufacturers of stamping and forming parts as well as assemblies highly cost-effective automation solutions. Since the company was founded in 1953, Bihler has successfully implemented more than 12,000 customer-specific solutions. In addition to machine and plant engineering, Bihler is a premium provider of 3D technology software for the construction of stamping and forming tools. Bihler technology is used in sectors such as the automotive industry, electrical and electronics industry, medical technology, depository and fastener technology, jewelry industry, spring and wire industry, communications industry, iron, sheet metal and metal goods industry, and in environmental technology.
This tour includes a 1.5 hour bus ride in each direction.

Tour 3
MAN Bus & Truck SE
Experience at first-hand how the efficient MAN high-tech trucks are built. The technical tour will take you right to the shop floor giving an impression of the bandwidth and allowing for an insight in selected production areas.
Besides that collect some interesting background information about history as well as innovations of the MAN brand and the Munich production plant.
- Duration of this tour incl. bus trip: approx. 5h
- The factory tour includes two blocks with longer walking distances (approx. 1 to 2 hours each)
This tour includes a short bus ride.